31 Settling the Mind in its Natural State (2)

B. Alan Wallace, 24 Apr 2012

We expand on the techniques for settling the mind in its natural state, and introduce a second type of mindfulness: manifest mindfulness. We learn that feelings and emotions are not intrinsic to the phenomenological sensations we experience—they are merely the _way_ we experience the sensations that rise up to meet us. Understanding this distinction, with practicing settling the mind, can help us learn to avoid reacting harmfully when we are confronted with experiences we judge negatively.

Meditation begins 28:20
Closing comments 52:58

Question and Answer 1: 01:04
There is a recording error at 1:29:54

* Progressing along the stages of shamatha.
* Clarifying the duration of continuity of mindfulness.
* When the mind resembles a life that resembles a lucid dream.
* Are the feelings attached to sensations hardwired?

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