B. Alan Wallace, 15 Jun 2019
Lama Alan starts with an overview of the practice for this session: mindfulness of breathing following the Theravada method. This time the balance is to enhance clarity without losing the underlying stability.
Just before the session Lama also introduces the concept of introspection and how it relates to mindfulness.
After the session Lama further elaborates on the topic of relaxation, stability and vividness, as well as some comments on the substrate consciousness.
Further on he offers one interpretation of the passage by the Buddha: “I shall breathe in, calming the composite of the body. I shall breathe out, calming the composite of the body.” Lama Alan also talks about the frequency of the breath and some of its correlations.
We then continue with the “The Path of Shamatha” text:
Shamatha: Mindfulness of breathing following the Theravada method
Meditation starts at 17:37
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