Eva Natanya, 10 Apr 2020
Eva (Yangchen) starts the session by explaining how it is that committing to the path is a commitment that one undertakes over and over again. This is because new layers are revealed everyday, as we develop, as reality rises up to meet us. This is why the preliminaries are not something you do once, and then you are finished for life. This also motivates us to give the complexity of the visualizations a chance, and to trust that each of their elements will come in time, as they should come to us.
Yangchen then discusses the meaning of reciting in one language or the other: Tibetan, English, mother tongue, etc, among with some suggestions for us. We have to balance between sticking to the tradition and making practices our own, she gives some advice for this balance.
She then addresses the question of blessings: where do they come from, what do they mean? How is it that calling for blessings works, and how is it that they arise for us? Asking for blessings can become the whole path, Yangchen concludes.
Meditation starts at 31:30
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