Eva Natanya, 15 Apr 2020
Eva (Yangchen) first comments that today we will go into the teachings on the six perfections. She regards this training as our way to take responsibility for the world that surrounds us, which at the end is made of our own appearances, and it’s our duty to transform them. Yangchen continues with some recommendations on how to balance our daily practices. Independently of our situation at every stage of our life, how do we manage to make every waking hour a practice of dharma? She shares what she has learned through personal experience, and suggests that we should always find our own equilibrium between shamatha, practices which aim at cultivating the heart, and those intended for cultivating wisdom. She gives a suggestion on how to approach the teachings we are receiving in these eight weeks. Today she guides us through an abbreviated form of refuge.
Meditation starts at 14:05
After meditation we continue with Düdjom Lingpa’s commentary, in the third section of bodhicitta, training in prayer and action. Training in prayer is a Tong Len practice, so Eva gives the different bases on which one is to exchange self and others, and how giving away one’s own happiness doesn’t diminish it, but increases it. Furthermore, the instruction leads us to tap into the wellspring of all that is good, and sharing that with everyone around us.
The training in action is that of the six perfections, and Yangchen teaches now on the first three: generosity, ethical discipline, and patience. She will continue on next session with remaining teachings on the perfection of patience, enthusiasm, meditation, and wisdom.
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